The Old Flea Bag is getting Older!

Such a busy day today getting ready to go away for a few days. I had my day all planned out, starting off with making a card for my Bestie who we went to Alaska with. It became a running joke that every time she moaned (as she tended to do quite a bit) I would say "ah shut up you moaning old flea bag" but I kept laughing too much which made me laugh even more every time I went to say it.

Anyway, she is also an avid Scrabbler, so I made her this card this morning and got it sent off to Moonpig to make ready for our return from Cornwall.

But when I went out to pick flowers to decorate the 'set', I found the pond had emptied itself. I hadn't planned for pond filling in my day!

I also accidentally sent a group message to Squidget, Daughter Number 1 and Daughter Number 2 that said "I need to pop out and get another card as I bought Sam a Dinosaur card and wrote 23 on it...he's 22". Yep - he read it!!!! You know that awful moment when you press 'sent' and suddenly realise it was to the wrong person!!!!! But I'm not going to bother now - I shall just scrub out the 3 and stick a 2 next to it!!! I think that will make it funnier.

Right must go, lots to do!! See you next from Pasty Land!! Woo Hoo!


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