Mans Best Friend

I had a phone consultation with the GP this morning about my back. What ever happened to a proper medical examination!!! He thinks its muscle and prescribed diazepam (helpful when you drive 100 miles a day!) and a referal to Physio (that takes months!) and said to call back if no better in a few weeks. Im not sure he quite grasps the fact I am in agony when I sit, in agony when I stand and can't bend or lift! But there you go. I thought a doctors receptionist was hard enough to get past, but seems you cant even get in the door without a phone call now!!

Mr W came and met me for lunch as a Surprise. I think he's feeling a bit guilty for being mean to me about not seeing the osteopath again. I can read than man like a book - but I love him!

Anyway, moan over.

I contacted my favourite artist last week and asked her to make me a picture for my BabyBoys 21st Birthday coming up next week, of Bear and Hollydog on Fistral Beach in Newquay where he lives. I am thrilled with the results and can't wait to give it to him.

I couldn't post this yesterday as I hadn't paid for it yet but its all mine to share now and think I'm safe to put on here as Sam gave up on a blip - bad boy!!!

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