Tiny flies.

Great big enormous roses with gigantic raindrops!  And tiny tiny flies.  Of some sort. Extratinius Flius Brixhamus if you want their proper name...

A wet morning so we moved our plans around and went to visit my auntie first.  Good to catch up.  Then we went off on our stroll.  Unfortunately it was still raining, but we wandered the streets, found where a few people lived, and then found the back way down to the church where my cousin is getting married next year.  We hope there might be some parking there as there certainly isn't any at the front of the church!  i hadn't expected the church to be open but they were preparing for a flower festival and we were able to go in and have a quick look around.  The grounds are not very scenic - lots of graves and not much space but there is a rather nice gateway which is where I found these roses.

After that we walked down to Brixham Town Centre in search of a snack for lunch and a search for my cousin's trawler.  Successful on both counts.  Extras are of the flower ladies inside the church, and Matt's trawler in the harbour.  He's off to sea tomorrow.  He was on TV a couple of years ago on the programme about Brixham Trawlers.

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