
By Dee49

Traumatised for Life

Ok, so last night I switched my phone camera around and took a pic with my mouth wide open...... any smart comments get them out now.... :)
But I thought I might practice for today...... OMG, never do I wanna do that again. Bloody horrible.
Now I know why my dentist shakes his head when he sees me every 100yrs 6months or so, or whenever I'm desperate enough to need to go!

So, back out the back this morning. I really have a teensy garden btw that I just make seem teeming with wonders, searching for creepy crawlies.
OMG, never do I wanna do that again!
Bloody horrible.
Deja vu anyone?.......

This pic was taken of two spiders on the underside of the playhut roof, which is why its upside down. Not the best shot but bear in mind my hand was shaking and it was a funny angle I was in.
I spent quite a while there trying to get a great pic, until I could only see one of them.


Imagine a scene something along these lines........Arghh

Now I know what tiny spiders in my house look like up close.....

I'm still shaking......

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