Sam's Mug

Its been a bit of a nothing day today.
Cold, damp, boring.

Work was cancelled but I was able to get up to date on my reports and time sheets. 

Then I wrapped Squidgets presents. We are seeing him this weekend in Pasty Land. I can't wait. It will be out first family holiday together since I have been married to Mr W. 7 years. My Babies with me. Mr W with me.

I made soup to warm myself up then went out to feed the birds only to find it was warmer outside than in!!!! But its drying inside than out!

So that's it. 

I warned you I was bored!

I have bough Sam more than just a mug by the way. I like unusual gifts and I spotted this one with his name on the box. I have put Squidget on the mug. I'm sure he will love me for that!


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