Amazon Rain Forest Fungus
Ceridwen was on my mind deep in the Amazonian jungle in Ecuador. I kept seeing varieties of fungi as our guide led us down a hillside covered with flora of the rain forest, and I wondered if she would know them.
We saw a fallen palm leaf curled to hold a temporary pond filled with the tadpoles of the poison dart frog. We saw trees with buttresses the size of a small wall...and that was just the beginning. I also saw the destruction of the rain forest by the oil companies (extracting oil and leaving devastation) that keep my car running.
What I saw and experienced in Ecuador of the people and the place, from the rain forest to the Andes, was a cultural and environmental experience like none other in my life. They are a kind, quiet people, and there is much poverty. I know that the abundance in my life depends on the lack of abundance in theirs, in many ways.
I am returned to the USA now, and to the news of hurricanes and raging wildfires, and a political system in the hands of greed...a despondency has settled over me. I have the blues.
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