Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Swap over day

We had a nice lazy morning today. I didn't get woken up till 8:45, I think that's a record! It's our last day in Hunstanton with the kiddies and we all decided to go bowling. It was great fun. Phoebe had a go at bowling without the ramp thingy and did quite well. Alexander mostly liked watching the balls coming back up into the holder thingy (I need to learn some bowling vocab!) Anyway the main news is that I won! Haha take that James!

We had fish and chips sitting on the green for lunch and then went back to the apartment to wait for G&G. We showed them around the apartment and where everything is for the children. We left at 3 and let them take the reins. We've had a fantastic long weekend but work is unfortunately calling. Boo! I wanted to stay all week. I know the kiddies will have a fantastic time with G&G and a holiday swap so far seems to be a great way of getting a week of summer holiday child care sorted.

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