The Little People at Work

I was delighted, in view of the lingering rain and sodden world outside my window this morning to see this toadstool ring which seems to have sprung up overnight.
Try as I might, I could find neither toads nor brownies underneath, just a very fat brown slug, but I'm extremely grateful to the 'little people' who provided me with a blip in adverse circumstances.

The mornings are drawing in at an alarming rate, especially when it's dreich outside, but when it did get light enough today to feel like going outside, I braved the drizzle for a foray into town, dodging the umbrellas, students and tourists.

I thought on my return to have a cup of tea at my favourite bookshop, but discovered it was toddler and granny day with the shop's windows steamed up and wet prams parked everywhere. I'm afraid I walked in one door and out the other.
I have loved my own small children in the past and of course I still love my many grandchildren, but nowadays it's more of a theoretical liking of other people's children when en masse.

As I finish writing this, his Lordship has appeared back early from Biggar, having been rained off the hills.
I'm reminded yet again of the saying - I married him for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, but never for lunch on a Wednesday!

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