
*holiday backblips*

The mad party continued last night – 12,30-4,30! A DJ and LOUD system with deep bass...sleep did not happen. Quite funny though, really! Then at 8,30, suddenly the church bells were going crazy, a brass band were playing away and a choir were singing – quite a cacophony!
We went back to the castle at Montesa, we took snacks and enjoyed the stunning views whilst being gently rained on! When we went yesterday the kids were asleep, it seemed a shame for Asha to miss out, so I’m glad we went back.
Then home for a delicious salad with home grown veg...a last trundle along the camino to get Nate off to sleep...a last dip in the pool... This holiday has come to an end too quickly! 

Drama of the day:
The well running dry! No washing up this evening! Jesus popped round this morning to let us know there was next to none left.

1) Danny taking the kids so I could have a lie in after being awake pretty much all night.
2) Wandering along with Nate...witnessing all the beauty...the hum and rhythm of nature...
3) Dinner outside...I LOVE eating outside.

An extra family pic!

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