Old age map reader

My parents thoughtfully gave me a book of Shropshire walks for my 30th Birthday a few years ago. I've used the book to explore my beautiful home county a fair bit over the last years, which I'm grateful for. However, I've never used it once without getting lost. Skip forward to New Year 2017 and one of my resolutions was to learn how to use a proper map. Properly.

With a sunny day to kill, SS and I decided that we'd explore a bit of Wales. A quick run up to Oxfam Books and a battered map of Bala was mine. We set out early for a long walk over the ridge and forests above Bala, with the aim of making it to the other side of the lake where we'd catch the quaint little steam train back. I was nervous but determined, my aimless wandering days soon to be over.

Having been promised sunshine and blue skies, we set out in the rain. However, five minutes in and we were greeting by glorious sunshine. For a totally glorious walk. 

How amazing that places like this are just an hour away? It was a breathtaking walk. Stunning views over the Snowdonia mountain range, beautiful flora and fauna and forests so eerie that it was a surprise not to see fairies and with soft, springy earth made from layers of pine needles.

Thankfully, my map reading skills got us to the other side where we tried to get on the train but only had cards and not cash and where we encountered several strange old men (employees of the railway) who, with their contradictory advice, seemed intent on making our journey back as confusing as they could. We eventually toot tooted our way back ready for a pint and well earned burger.

I am 34 years old and I can use a map. Goals.

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