Up in flames...

I'm posting this a few hours after posting for yesterday....where does the time go!!

Joff visited today. Andrea is away for the weekend. Joff came to offer his services to D. Any job. No job being too small or large.

He has been amazing! I love to watch he and D working together. They make such a great team. The bottom of the garden was the target...where few men or women dare to tread!  First they laid out a tarpaulin and then stuff emerged from the depths. Four piles..to the dump, into next door's skip (permission granted), burn and to think about...

At dusk the burning began. More for D to do tomorrow as J wanted to head back to Sawston..but it's been a mighty successful day and has broken the back of a very big task.

Meanwhile I provided drinks, snacks and dinner later...and dead headed the dahlias and the plants remaining in the pots, swept and tidied my patio garden and moved a few things around. 

A very different Sunday but a gift of a day with J. Very special...

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