Ridiculous o'clock

Another lazy day by the pool today. Not a bad idea as I got a little too much sun at the beach yesterday and slightly red today but not bad it has been worse!

I have to say although nothing has spoiled my holiday but I will definitely be looking for adults only next year! Not only do we have to endure children screaming but also mothers shouting from their balcony, 1 floor up, at their off spring to behave! Sorry but no - get down by the pool and tell them quietly they are not being nice and if you could leave out the f word while you tell them! They are only 5!

Poor Oscar really got it from the sunbed! “OSCAR STOP” OSCAR OSCAR “OSCAR HAVE I TO TELL YOU AGAIN” clearly yes you do! “OSCAR”OSCAR THIS IS THE LAST TIME “ Last time for what you’ve not moved off the sunbed! “OSCAR DO YOU WANT TO GO IN?” of course he does! Poor Oscar!

This brought memories of a trip to scotland with my friend and a lady on the train tried to make her child eat a sandwich! She didn’t want the sandwich! All i can hear instead is ‘oscar' instead of sandwich!

Teenage daughter and I went back to find the hotel mam and dad stayed in. We walked along the sea front, found the hotel, visited the bathroom there, just to see, then walked back along the sea front, right on the water, it took us 1hr 45 mins. Was rather pleasant, i needed a beer when i got back. It was a lovely stroll, not sure teenage daughter would agree but I enjoyed it.
On return it was beer and sleep before evening meal. We are all feeling a bit tired tonight so meal and bed.

The gents are getting up early to go and watch the boxing in a bar! Merryweather and whoever! But we’re not getting up at ridiculous o’clock!

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