Welsh Nobility.

A very early start for us this morning, as we had to be at Parc Slip Nature Reserve before 8 o'clock. Those of my regular followers, will know that I go to this memorial every year, to  commemorate the 112 men, and boys who died in the explosion on the  26th August 1892. My great grandfather, was one of the men who died, and in my extra photo, you can see the 112  memorial stones, which  represent each of the men & boys who perished that day. This year, at it is 125 years since that sad day, there was an even  bigger than usual turn out. J was, as always,   the official photographer, and he took this  photo of me, with Roy Noble, who is a Radio Wales, presenter, and television celebrity. He has a wonderful, deep, rich voice, and with the wonderful Welsh lilt,  sounds almost  like liquid honey. After the short service, we all walked back up to the cafe, and sat down and ate a wonderful full breakfast. There were speeches from the local dignitary's , which included the Mayoress, and a Justice Of the Peace.  Roy Noble gave a very moving talk which ended a very enjoyable morning. 
We then went straight down to Cowbridge, as J wanted to exchange a shirt he purchased yesterday, and from there we went on to Porthcawl, as it's the only day one of the model shops is open. In the park, there were lot's of men & women teams, playing bowls, and they were all deaf. It was strange to see bowls being played, but in silence. Back home, and spent a quiet afternoon, just chilling.    

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