The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Pippa got her revenge for my Governors meeting last night. This morning she rolled in stinky stuff. Great. The day started in a rush as i hurrily gave her a bath (she got water EVERYWHERE!!) and it seems to have continued in the same vein since then.

I was boss today and all went well but I've raced from one thing to the next and then home for walk and food before racing off to the Parish Council meeting. Just got home and I have a load of work to do now in my temporary 'clerk' role...there goes a chunk of my weekend!

Anyway, it was nice to see everyone and they send their love. The planning permission for the school at the bottom of the road has been granted and JG Pears are playing silly buggers with their planning permission. I have about ten letters to write about a number of issues- joy of joys!!

Glad to hear that if you were a lesser man you would have died last week. Well, I'm glad you are a strong and normally healthy man! Please let yourself get back to full strength before you start doing silly running stuff again!!!x

Now, I need to put the fire on. It is cold, raining, windy and Rags is starting to whine...he best watch out otherwise I'll put him outside and show how cold it really is!!! ;0)

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