Trial and Error

By DawnC

Things to eBay

I have a long list of things to list on eBay including these two. Don't worry, it's not Seymour's head; it's a spare.

In other news, this is one of the times of the year when the temperature at work goes awry as the weather changes and our remotely-located Estates Department, who have control over the heating, completely disregard the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. My office was absolutely freezing this morning and I sat there huddled up in my coat, drinking as many hot drinks as I had time to make, and increasingly struggled to use the computer as my hands got colder and colder. Therefore, when I went home at lunchtime I changed into some woolly tights and put a jumper on over my dress. I looked for my fingerless gloves but only found one. Anyway, I got back to the office to find that they'd only put the bloody heating on!! Maybe it was something to do with all the moaning I had done to anyone who would listen. So I spent the afternoon sweltering and moaning about the heat.

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