Wouldn't you think . . .

. . . they would put similar numbers of the same colour Smartie in one tube. I bought four tubes and still didn't have enough 'flower coloured' ones to make the design I wanted on the cake I was decorating. These are the leftovers - with a few missing! Will there be any left by the time the children arrive, I wonder!

It's a long time since I bought Smarties. They seem to have got smaller and the tubes smaller. So presumably we're getting far less for our money. I know this is apparently happening with everything, so as to avoid higher prices, but I wish they would just be honest about it. The trouble is that we have no evidence - no one has a tube of smarties that's a few years old, so we can make a comparison. We just have our unreliable memory and our suspicions.

Calm before . . .

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