Grey on grey on grey

Last night I went to sleep with the sound of rain on the roof. I like that. I was very tired after yesterday's 8 hour Wilderness First Aid course. It was effectively like working 6 days in a row.

So today was low key. I showed a stellar level of domestic pride and while I contemplated what I'd get up to in the afternoon friends phoned and said they'd like to visit. That scuppered any thoughts of exercise but as I did squeeze in an early run yesterday morning, it's not the end of the world.

There is always tomorrow which incidentally I have off. Good planning hpx. My car needs a WOF and service, and I'll catch up with a friend. Who knows, I might even scamper off to the local pub quiz since I knew quite a few random questions last week. Dad did always say I had a mind full of useless information ;-)

But that is tomorrow and there is still a DVD to be watched tonight. (Now that I've managed to remove the SD card from my camera. What did we do before YouTube).

Straight off the camera and taken in poor light is a few olive leaves against a river stone. Just to emphasize today's grey on grey on grey....

Today's gratitude: For a slow day with no where to be and no demands.

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