The corner cut out

I've been on a Wilderness First Aid Course today with some of my tramping mates. We weren't in the wilderness and to replicate (or at least imagine) the real thing, we spent some of the afternoon in the park across the road from the Red Cross.

With a gloomy southerly and rain threatening I knew my blip opportunities were limited. Fortunately there was a concrete wall and they always reveal their secrets :-) My mates are used to me taking photos but not of walls.

We persevered with scenarios taken from real mishaps we worked to deal with in groups. Cold and drizzle eventually drove us back across the road to the room we'd spent most of the course in.

I found that sobering. In real life in the back country we don't have the luxury to wander back across the road. If something did happen we'd have to deal with the situation and the weather conditions.

I've done first aid courses but this is the first wilderness one. Hopefully I'll never have to draw on what I learned today but if I do I'm equiped to make good calls.

Two more days off for hpx :-)

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