All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

A day of many tears

Today has been a tough day but the week is due to get tougher.

I took Cleo back to the vets today. She is still only eating tiny bits of chicken or ham from my hand. She seems hungry and is asking for food, but then seems unable to eat anything else despite me offering her so many different things.

The vet says her nasal breathing sounds mildly better but her chest worse so the antibiotics he gave her last week don't appear to have helped. He doesn't know why she's not eating. Her teeth are in good condition and there are no problems with her mouth. It may just be that as she can't breathe / smell properly just now, that is enough to stop her eating.

We've agreed that it's not fair on her to put her through more invasive tests especially as the vet can't guarantee they will give a difinitive answer either and may just cause her more distress.

He has given her steroids today to try to help her breathing, a diuretic injection and an appetite stimulant. But I get the feeling these are grasping at straws and he's trying to prepare me for the worst decision. He wants to see her again on Wednesday and if she hasn't improved by then, says the kindest thing will be to call it a day.

I have tried and tried to get her to eat today but without much success even though she initially looks enthusiastic when I offer her different things. However she has asked for (running) water from the tap several times which is an improvement.

Please eat something Cleo, please.

I'm now going to bed, for lots of Cleo cuddles.

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