All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan was slightly later to bed than usual last night. That, combined with the fact he hadn't had a day time nap yesterday meant he slept till 7.20am. He then came in bed with us where we chilled out for 2 hours before getting up. Well, Ethan and I got up. Hubbie stayed in bed till just before noon, lazy so and so!

Within 2 hours, hubbie and Ethan were cuddled up on the sofa together, fast asleep!

I ended up waking Ethan up so we could go along to a party in Eliburn Park. We were so late in getting there though, we'd clearly missed the best bits. Ethan did enjoy bouncing up on a space hopper for ages though and tucked into an ice-cream. We then let him play at the playpark there for a while. He likes going on the wibbly wobbly bridge there and also the death slide.

Then over to the Foreveryoungs for dinner. Ethan staying overnight there without us tonight. He was a bit upset when we left but when we spoke to him on Facetime later on he seemed very cheerful.

Cleo update - still wheezing and barely eating or drinking. Very worried about her and if she doesn't pick up tomorrow, think I'll need to take her back to the vets. Am just very scared about what options he'll give me.

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