
On the lake in the afternoon. I decided to row my boat around the lake, to have a little fresh breath after works. 

Windy moments on the other side of the lake. Suddently I saw the swan family far at the bay bottom. And I stopped to take some photos. The best shot in the extra.
I wondered were the other adult bird was as there was only one adult with siblings... 

Then someone near the boat said "Hu?". Voice sounded like asking - and I saw the mother (or father) bird near the boat.

It was relaxed and lovely bird, as the whooper swan couple always has been: The same couple comes year after year nesting to this lake... So I chatted him with low voice and he seemed hearing me and then slowly swam over towards the bay where his family was. A lovely creature.  

It took some 3,5km in 42minutes to row around the lake. 
Dark clouds, but not too cold. Some +19c.


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