
After days of high activity, today was gloriously lazy. Kristi took Kristin to the airport this morning and I stayed home to make the border crossing a bit faster and smoother for them. Really sad to say goodbye after a wonderful few days together but her boys wanted her back. We've made plans for the next reunion though. Shrewsbury 2019 is on!

A walk down to the local market and some quesadillas for lunch followed by an afternoon inside with our books. It's been one of those rainy days which allow you to curl up on the sofa guilt free. We popped out to the shops briefly so I could buy a few gifts, read some more and then got pizza and a movie. Perfect.

It's been interesting to be with North Americans while this whole Charlottesville / Trump thing has been kicking off. Even before the weekend, I think we've talked more about this particular President than we ever have about any president before (even our beloved Rupiah Banda). I've felt a bit sorry for Kristin when one of the first comments she gets after revealing her nationality is about Trump. It's hard to be an American right now, with a leader who is not only making his country a laughing stock, but also who is in danger of encouraging both nationwide rioting and/or World War III. Sad!

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