Call This A Holiday?

Got a helper with the lopping of olive trees today, she's definitely a hard worker... and got thoroughly scratched - not so much from the olive suckers, but from the dried up asparagus which we have to chop in order to get to the olive tree trunks. As she said, they are evil guards to the olive trees, covered in brittle thorns - we probably should wear protective clothing, especially to carry the bundles away - but it's too hot... The work is especially challenging here among the schist outcroppings.

Meanwhile, the boyfriend has been cementing the gaps under the roof tiles. We're back off to the Land again now it's starting to cool down again (36C, 97F) at 6pm, for more work and a picnic with Mike's good bread.

I will add an exciting extra to yesterday - when we were leaving Tavira beach, suddenly realized everyone was standing on the water's edge, looking out to sea, and no-one in the water; no-one around us knew what was happening, but just found out that the lifeguards had got everyone out of the water because of a shark sighting!

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