Sky High!

If you follow both my journals you need read no further ... for the first time EVER both tell exactly the same story.

..... I could write a book about my experiences of the last few days but I will spare you all from most of my ramblings but I will try as briefly as possible to explain why I am home in Glasgow when I should be enjoying a cruise on Lake Lucerne.

My pal fell on Saturday morning and ended up in hospital in Interlaken (just for your info the ambulance cost £900). E remained in hospital till yesterday morning when I arrived complete with her luggage and mine ..... it had been decided by the insurance company that she should fly home with a companion (me!). Fortunately there was no fracture or disclocation ..... using crutches she was able to walk VERY slowly and with difficulty.

Inghams took us to a hotel in Interlaken where we waited for instructions from the insurance company re travelling home. We enjoyed some lunch while we waited.The insurance found us flights home for last night travelling via Heathrow. A taxi took us from Interlaken to Zurich where we were then on our own.

Assisted travel had been organised but we had to find the designated area where I left E and I went, with all the luggage,in search of the British Airways check in desk. Once I got rid of the luggage things were a bit easier although I still had two back packs. We borrowed a wheel chair and went for a drink and something to eat then it was back to the assisted travel area where we waited for the official wheel chair pusher.

Once on the plane we settled back to enjoy the flight. I was at the window and had the most wonderful views of the ever changing sky.

I thought we had about an hour in Heathrow .... how wrong I was! The flight to Glasgow was 9.45 and the gate was due to close at 9.15. We got off the Heathrow flight at 8.50 and once E was on the wheelchair, Terence the pusher, started walking at a pace I, with two backpacks, struggled to keep up with ..... back through passport control and security ..... the plane had started to board when we arrived but we made it. I wasn't worth a button by the time the plane took off.

A very kind friend met us in Glasgow. It was pouring but that didn't really matter. We took E home first and made sure that she was managing with her crutches. I got home about midnight and was so tired that it was straight to bed without blipping!

There you have it ..... a not quite brief enough account of yesterday's adventure!

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