
By Tudorbee

old and not so old

First bash at a challenge. Tried to find something off the beaten track in Liverpool, but ended up with this shot, each of the 3 elements has an extensive history on its own starting with the most modern.
Radio City Tower, built in 1969 and opened by The Queen. Chequered history, at its low point it was a revolving restaurant, but closed by the dreaded H&S in 1979. Re opened in and later re fitted as a Buck Rogers themed eating place. Again closed but due to lack of business. Re opened in 2000 as Radio City. Lower viewing gallery open to the public today.
On the left, a rear view of the fabulous St George's Hall. 169ft long, hosting the longest tunnel vaulted ceiling in Europe. Construction started in 1841 opened in 1854. Grade 1 listed building inc law courts. Only a visit rather than words can do this building justice.
Both buildings joined by the extended hand of William Rathbone V1. (1819-1902) MP for constituencies in Liverpool and Wales. Heavily involved in good works around nursing and closely involved in founding of Liverpool University and University College of North Wales. Again extensive reading on the Rathbone family is the only way to justice to this amazing family.

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