Peace, Love, Dream, Laughter

A piece of garden art, a few years old, with four words: Peace, Love, Dream, Laughter.

Today's events in Virginia sicken me, and make these four words seemingly impossible to attain. I never in my life thought I would ever see this kind of blatant racial hatred rise up in America again. This is the America of Donald t Rump. He could not call out White Supremacy today when he had the chance. I am disgusted more so than ever with the place we find ourselves.

Sorry, my political rant. But I cannot stand a racist America made possible by this idiot. How anyone could cast a single vote for this person is beyond me. Three and one half years to go. I hope the world survives that long.

Peace, Love, Dream, Laughter. Maybe my blip tomorrow will reflect one or more of those.

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