Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Sideways Looks

To Edinburgh today. Returned M and E to their parents. They went off to see Hairy McLairy (hope that's the way to spell it) at a Fringe show, then to the Museum and finally to visit E's godmother.

We had errands to do. First to Waverley Station for TM to collect some tickets, where I amused myself taking the above, a shot of the roof in the Booking Hall.

Next, a wander round town, taking in some of the street entertainment. I'm no good at photographing that sort of thing, I'm too slow. 

Into the National Gallery for a cup of tea and a sit down, followed by a quick look round. The first time I've seen 'The Monarch of the Glen' in the flesh, so to speak, though it used to feature largely on shortbread tins.  I love the way they've hung it next to a bust of Sir Walter Scott.  Both symbols of a romantic myth of Scottishness. Both gazing into the Celtic Twilight. The glazing and the Gallery lighting led to some interesting and unintended effects. (Extra)

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