The rest of forever...

By DrMac

It's tough being tiny!

Today was busy. I'm pooped. Foam roll, dog walk, omelette, finished doctorate article (not sure how long 'til it's published but they have two international journals in mind-cool!!)...then an intervals session at the gym, and then off to visit this wee chap!

Well blippers, welcome Arlo into the world! He is the little brother of Riley, the gorgeous chap I blip quite frequently. This younger model is utterly adorable! Lots of nice cuddles and catching up with his Mum and Deb...later joined by Riley and Stu. Riley knows so many words its astounding...we get welcomed by him, asking us how we are today! He knew all the items they bought at Tescos and brought me a lemon- how thoughtful! Next time ill order some gin and tonic too! ;0)

I came home to sent my third photography assignment off, did some school work, ironed six shirts, answered emails and tidied the house. Oh, and bought new mousetraps. The humane version is mouse-proof...they ate the peanut butter and escaped out the hatch! So I've resorted to the snapping sort...I hope to god they just move out so I don't have to kill any of them!

Spoke to you in FT- good to see you looking a bit more 'normal', walked the dogs in the rain and had tea. Just updated the software on my iPad and iPhone, done more school work and now I'm going to do the stuff for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday. Then bed!!!

Busy week ahead so ill apologise in advance for being rubbish and not looking at other people's journals. There are never enough hours in the day!!!


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