The rest of forever...

By DrMac

You do know this is all your fault...

P: This is all your fault, you do know that don't you...
L: Shoosh and look forwards, you'll only make her more grumpy.
P: Well, I don't know what you were playing at last night, putting your paws on the kitchen table and stealing one of the bedtime biscuits. Seriously missus, do you have a death wish?
L: Well, I wanted to make sure I got the biggest...and I never thought she would totally freak out about it.
P: Cor, did she freak.
L: Oh yes, Oscar winning performance me thinks...
P: And now we are paying for your greedy, naughty paw antics.
L: Oh, it's not so bad being back on the lead again...
P: Give over...we have walked up, down, around, sat down, waited, walked to heel, waited and trotted along at all the right times for the last twenty minutes...this is dull! And I need a wee...when in this regime am I supposed to pee?
L: Just shut up and look forwards otherwise you might find that we have to cavort about like this for another half hour...
P: Nooooooooooooo!!!
L: *snigger*
P: You are a cow bag. When I get this lead off I am so gonna bite your ass and steal your breakfast. Just you wait.....


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