Another treasure
I love Longhorn beetles, they are a distinctive collection of beetles, and slowly and surely I am working my way through the list!
This little beauty The Red longhorn beetle Stictoleptura rubra, (male)
was one of our finds from yesterday which I 'borrowed' overnight so I could cool him in my fridge and get some decent shots of him.
The Red longhorn beetle is 10-20mm in length, the males (like this one) are honey coloured with bi-coloured legs whereas the females are all red . The larvae feed for 2-3 years in the dead wood of various conifers, and can be found from May to September visiting flowers. A naturalised immigrant it is listed as very local, in coniferous woods in Eastern England, although I did find the first Sussex specimen at this location a few years ago.
Sadly the weather has prevented me from returning him today, rain, rain and more rain!!! so that will have to be tomorrows job.
I had another lovely longhorn (and newby for me) in my moth trap this morning so he will probably be tomorrow's blip - watch this space!
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