I had an amazing day today out on heath land with the Natural History society and an insect expert - absolute heaven, I got to hold a male Bumble bee, feeling his deep buzzing.
We found so many interesting insects and spiders and plants and had a great time, even if the Horse flies were intent on biting lumps out of me! Luckily I managed to catch and dispatch them before they caused too much pain and itching.
I was really spoilt for choice as to what to blip, but decided to settle for this shot of a sundew plant Drosera spp
Sundews are 'carniverous plants trapping insects in the sticky secretions from the glandular hairs on the leaves.
They occur on wet peaty soils deficient in nitrogen and phosphate, and all 3 species occur in Britain.
Our most common species Drosera rotundifola has round leaves but the one I have blipped has more club shaped leaves so is probably one of the others. If anyone can help with Id I would really appreciate it.
For my extra I have added a shot of the 'Bee wolf' Philanthus triangulum a species of predatory wasp, so called because it catches honey bees on the wing, paralyses them then takes them back to it's burrow to feed it's developing grubs. This female was very cold as the sun had gone in, and was happy to warm up on my finger!
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