A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Wipe Out

Much better today so I made it down to the beach where it was wave day. Just in case you can't spot him Carlos is the splash to the right of Anna.

Having not eaten for 24hours I couldn't resist the lunchtime barbecue and the grilled fish seemed to be acceptable to my body so fingers crossed that quick bug has moved on. Am even wondering if it might have been a side effect of the jellyfish sting.

Anyway, there were none to be seen in the super wavey sea today. So normal world order* is restored and now there will be swimming in the pool, dinner and cards.

Lesley x

*as an alternative to the one being played out by certain world leaders it has much to recommend it**

**Trump threatening North Korea with "fire and fury like the world has never seen" for when I look back and wonder which particular political backdrop was going on

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