A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Chase the Ace

I interrupt this BlipBreak to bring you a gift. It is a card game called Chase The Ace and here you have the 4th generation of my family to play it enjoying a game. It is incredibly simple and can be played by pretty much anyone of an age they can hold a card the right way up, recognise a number and know that some are higher than others.

Each player has 4 lives, usually denoted by 4 coins. A life is lost by the player with the lowest card at the end of each round Each player takes a turn dealing everyone, including themselves, one card. The person to the left of the dealer then decides whether to keep that card or swap it with the person to their left. That person has to swap their card unless they have a King. If they have a King they should really hope that the player has a rubbish card and wants to swap and will be crushed by the flamboyant throwing down of the King. When everyone has gone around deciding and swapping or sticking the dealer makes their choice. If they want to swap their card they turn over the top card of the deck.

The first person to lose all their lives get a special magic life that basically gives them an extra life. Play continues as players are knocked out until there is a winner.

It is a lot of fun. Today the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations (aged 74 to 10) spent a happy hour playing it.

And it saves me boring you with tales of dogs making a break for it and racing up hills and through gardens and trying to make friends with guard dogs...

This week has been a little bonkers and has inadvertently included a blip break. Not really intentional but I do feel there is a little too much on my plate some days. I'm hoping today may herald the start of a little more stability and I can focus on filling blip with annoying pool shots.

Lesley x

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