
By erasmusdiaries


Today's picture (well, yesterday's second picture) is of a part of the Casa Del Campo in Madrid. Whilst this house looked beautiful in the sunshine, the rest of the park was cool...only we didn't find any park, or the ec0-houses from the world exhibition we had gone to see.

Instead, we were met with the sight of hundreds of Spaniards dressed as Pokemon and other Japanese cartoon characters queuing up outside a big convention centre in the park for some special reason. Slightly bemused by the whole thing, we asked and were told that everyone was here from across Spain for a Manga convention. After several photos with their costumes, we had a bit more of a wander round, only to be met with even more bizarre costumes and even some woman dressed as Michael Jackson and what looked like Power Rangers videoing themselves doing a dance routine. Whilst the atmosphere was buzzing, I'm yet to understand this world! One thing we did enjoy though was inventing the verb 'Pikachuar' or 'To pikachu' as we enjoyed wandering around shouting 'Pikachu' as those who had come dressed as the character.

The rest of the day came with another few bizarre experiences; the first being my adventure at the Metro station to get my public transport card, which covers Metro, Bus and Cercanias (local trains) within the city. After three attempts at printing the card, and having to explain that I do only have one surname...and that, despite my surname having a double l, you do not say 'Moyoy' well as trying to explain that my last name wasn't my firstname, the world of Madrid is now my oyster thanks to this little red card. You can literally travel anywhere within Zone A in the city with this badboy which is extremely straightforward to use.

After returning home triumphantly with my card and realising just how awful the photo on it was...and how they'd still spelt my name wrong, I retired to bed. However, the peace and quiet was interrupted about an hour later by someone entering the flat. At this point, I should explain that three of my flatmates, who happen to be related, have gone away for a week to a family wedding in Italy. Yet, their Aunt showed up at our flat at about midnight last night unexpectedly. Genuinely thinking we were being burgled, it was slightly unnerving when Maria politely introduced herself to me and my other flatmate and started chatting away to us. After making polite conversation for about half an hour, Maria chirpily pointed out that she had just come to borrow some plates and tissues. Following a further fifteen minute conversation and Maria giving us an explanation on how to lock the door to our own flat and inviting us to stay with her any time we visit Madrid in the future, she finally left. Not really sure whether this is the Spanish way, but I'm still quite bemused by it...

Ciao x

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