Fisher Tarn Reservoir

Into town this morning to collect new spectacles, there's not much joy to be had in Kendal at the moment.
Yet more roadworks made me take a series of back lanes and eventually I saw a fantastic little building (the listed water house) , stopped and realised I was at Fisher Tarn, somewhere I've not been in years (I used to run to here when we had the factory in town) . The observant will notice I've dropped the reservoir in my description, as whilst the water is indeed retained by a wall built in 1899 this beautiful body of water no longer actively serves as a reservoir and is mostly used for fly fishing. It seems like a lovely wildlife haven.

Home pooch and I headed up onto the Scar, she howled with joy, something it's impossible not to smile at.

More website work, a new stretches regiment begun and a check around the garden. Tonight everything bar the tuna steaks on our plates will be home grown. Nom follows Nom follows Nom.

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