Water Droplet Experimentation

It's literally ages since I have done some water droplet photography and I had hoped it would be sunny enough to do this outside using 4K video capture but the weather was too unsettled for me to trust that by the time I had got everything set up I could be sure that it would still be sunny and so it proved. By the time I had set things up in the garage it was pouring outside. 

As an experiment I decided to use my LED lighting set up though I was not sure it would give me sufficient light to get a reasonable shutter speed. I manage to get to 1/360th second by going up to 800 ISO with the camera wide open (i.e. f2.8) but still this only  really gave me completely sharp images for the pinnacle stage where the water is pushing up and slowing down to descend again. I may try again using one of my SLRs in the future and high speed capture which I can get 10 frames a second with my Canon D7 but it does not really equate to the 30 frames a second you get with 4K video. 

Sorry for all the tech speak but I know there are a few clippers who are into water droplet photography. Certainly nothing get the brilliant sharp images that you get with flash but the problems there is that you can usually only get about 4 frames before the flash needs to recycle and timing this exactly with the progress of the water droplet is tricky if you do not have special equipment

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