A Photobook

Taking advantage of a trial offer from a book printer I finally got my 'A Day In The Life' book for The Skylark prints, documenting the bar's fourth birthday. Or rather, I got a 'prototype' version printed. I had been sitting on the pictures for almost a year and, perhaps a little daunted by the idea of making choices over which pictures to use, I had kept putting off ordering a book. As if the idea was better in my head than it would ever be in practise and therefore rather than risk disappointment I never got around to making it happen. It was a chat with P, one of the owners of the bar, that encouraged me to think of it as 'just a prototype' and not the finished product and that seemed to help make it happen. That and the time-limited product trial that was available and I forced myself to sign up for. And today I finally got around to publishing my review of the finished product online - the condition of the free trial. Which was why I took this picture on a day when I didn't take any others. I was busy sorting out images earlier and then our neighbours popped round for tea and cake and a catch up before we went round to a friend's place in the evening for a meal with them and some others and I didn't want to interrupt the flow of chat by taking a picture. And I knew there was this one anyway, so it would serve as an emergency.

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