French connection.....

Yet another day of Scottish summer weather. Left one mucking out a cattle shed so we will have somewhere to tip barley if / when it ever stops raining long enough to try and harvest.
Carted the last 18 heifers up to the hill fields. It may only be a couple of miles as the crow flies but it is double that round the main road. As I was emptying the last lot off , a car stopped and asked if I was the farmer. Turns out the couple were farmers from Victoria in Australia over here on holiday. Had quite a good chat with them and told them about farming here.
Went down the road to feed cattle tonight and as the rain came down yet again looked in despair at the 60 acres of winter barley that is getting well brackled over and onto the ground now . It could turn into a salvage job soon if we can't get it cut.
Tonight's Blip is to add a bit of colour to the day . Mrs F is in one of her clear out moods this week. This used to be my favourite kilt shirt back in the day when these plain front/ fancy back shirts were doing the rounds at Young Farmers dances in the late 80s ! I wanted to keep it, but have just tried it on and it must have shrunk in the wash at some point. Bugger.

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