
As my bike didn't get out yesterday I thought I'd better stop it going in a huff (or being mardy, as we said when I was young) and go out today. It was a bit grey and threatening rain but none fell until late afternoon, by which time I'd been out, done various jobs and a couple of hours gardening.
I made up the route as I went along and it turned into a bit of a local history tour through the local countryside. The main pic is of one of the many cornfields I passed, only a couple harvested, but I've put a collage of the history parts of my tour.
The mill dam has an aqueduct behind which was built by the Dundee Water Co in the mid 19th century. Tealing doocot was built in the late 1500s to provide a home for pigeons (doos) for extra food and is well preserved and Tealing souterrain dates from the Roman occupation of Scotland. It shows some early re-cycling in the re-use of a cup and ring marked stone

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