
By FrankS

Back Beach

This weekend is the Teignmouth Harbour Festival. Taking part outside the New Quay pub which sits on Back Beach. Besides being an excuse to drink yourself silly, the festival has a boat blessing, live music, truck pulling and Morris dancing amongst other random happenings. We spent a pleasant couple of hours sitting on the harbour wall eating our lunch and watching the people and goings on.

We then took the ferry back and climbed up to the chalet for a cup of tea.

Tonight there is a illuminated flotilla leaving Back Beach and heading across the estuary. We're planning on heading down to Shaldon to watch from the beach.

The photo was taken by a professional photographer with my camera on Back Beach. He wandered over when I was taking photos and we talked cameras and he offered to take our picture.

Late News:
Shaldon was deserted when we arrived in the village at eight. The wind was beginning to howl and the temperature dropping. We hung around for a while but could see no movement or preparation on Back Beach across the estuary; so we did the obvious thing and dived into the Ferry Boat Inn. That's were we found the population of Shaldon. The place was buzzing, it was warm and cosy and Abbot Ale on tap. Excellent!

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