Working on da Fish Market

That's the end of the sunny spell!  It poured most of the day, heavy at times and windy.  Less wind tonight and lighter showers.

I've been busy working on the museum desk.  There's been a cruise liner in Lerwick, and think they all came into the museum.  We had over 800 visitors today.  I managed to get a good walk with Sammy this evening, but poor Archie cat isn't well.  Been down to mam's tonight, and she has grandchildren staying over.

Peerie Brian phoned me in a panic from his work, he was out of fags so I nipped to town to get him some.  Dropping them off, he was busy working nights on the market.  Peerie Brian Smith throwing ice on the fish, with Alistair Fullerton busy too.  Taken at the fish market, Blacksness, Scalloway.

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