
My disgusting child thinks it's totally hilarious to lick. Only me. I am the only person "lucky enough" to be treated to her licking. I struggle not to laugh because she thinks she's so very funny when she does it!

We had a nice day. We cycled to the swimming pool and had a good swim with friends that we don't see very often but really enjoy time with. Katie and Ro play lovely together, her mother and I enjoy chatting together. We invited them to join us for soup lunch. Katie was delighted they stopped for dessert on their way to us & brought profiteroles and strawberries. The girls had a lt of fun making up a show to present to us.

After they'd gone, Katie did some lego in her room a while until she came for some music time. She worked so hard on the first two lines of a new piano piece and is loving working on her pedalling. Her new clarinet piece is sounding beautiful too, so much work to do on it still but it's a very promising start.

We had a movie time after tea. Great, gentle day.

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