London. Again.

An amazing day!!! We didn't leave home til 9 am yet we did so much in our time in London. We started off meeting friends from home (as a surprise for Katie) by kings cross station to have a play in the water fountains. They got totally drenched!! After being changed into dry clothes we went to meet uncle Simon and Aunty Alicia. We had a very tasty lunch with lots of great food. Katie had a virgin Shirley Temple which she thought was really funny- "lemonade with pink".

Uncle Simon then joined us for a trip to the British Museum. It was the first time I've ever been; it was fabulous. We only saw the Africa, Ancient Greece and Egyptian displays but they alone were brilliant.
She didn't like the African one though as she learnt that elephants die to get their ivory. She enjoyed doing the Ancient Greece trail. She found it hilarious that many of the Greek statutes included rudey bits!

The end of our day was very excellent- we had tickets for Matilda as a surprise for Katie. She absolutely loved it, although she was a bit scared of Miss Trunchbull. At the same time as finding him as an actor hilarious!

We then managed to coordinate meeting up with our cousins to all head home. Good day!

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