
It's been a quiet Sunday. Hurt my foot somehow yesterday so have either been limping about indoors feeling sorry for myself or sitting watching sport on the telly. My only outing was to put the 'yellow sack' out for recycle collection. It has to have all packaging except paper/cardboard; that goes in the 'grey sack' for a separate collection. Then there's the Bio bin and the Restmull bin for everything else. If I have a Kit-Kat but drop a bit on a mucky floor then there'll be three different bins needed!

Today's picture should really be a triptych but I'm not a big selfie fan. The middle panel would have been me sitting in the chair reading my kindle and enjoying the coolish pre-storm air for half an hour. Before that it was just too hot to sit outside, even in the shade, so the seat was vacant waiting on my arrival. Then just as I was getting into my book the first lightning appeared and I'd to make a hasty exit before the heavens opened. And BOY did they open!

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