Especially for Auntie Joan

We are blipping very, very, early today. Ann has had to stay up until after midnight just so that she can blip me looking 'clean, shiny & glossy'.

There is a reason for this:

Ann has two cousins who live in America. They love following my daily adventures in the 'Land of BLIP'. However, Ann's, Auntie Joan, is visiting one of Ann's cousins and so today (yesterday) Ann got a message on 'Facebook' asking if I ever looked clean, shiny or glossy?

Well of course I do?! I get groomed every night, so I start every new day looking clean, shiny and glossy.

.....................................It's not my fault if Ann takes me for my walk where there's mud and water is it?

Auntie Joan this BLIP is especially for you.

PS - For all you other Blippers out there in Blipland; obviously I've had to be blipped next to Ozzy, my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend. Though to be honest I don't know why I bother?! He's been flaked out in his bed since 10pm. It's the start of the weekend for goodness sake, he's years younger than me and it would seem he's not interested in showing me a good time ..........................grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

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