
By snapkin

My granddaughters by a replica of 'Resurgam 2'

The first Resurgam, built in 1878, was a 14 ft, hand powered, one-man vessel nicknamed "the curate's egg" due to its shape. Its small size and one-man crew meant that as a weapon of war it would have been ineffective.  It was built in Britain. by Reverend George Garrett to penetrate the chain netting placed around ship's hulls to defend them against attack by torpedoes.

Resurgam 2 was built by Cohran & Co. at Birkenhead, and launched on 26 November 1879. Her construction was of iron plates fastened to iron frames, with the central section of the vessel clad with wood secured by iron straps. As built, she was 45 feet long by 10 feet in diameter, weighed 30 tons, and had a crew of three. She was powered by a closed cycle steam engine which provided enough steam to turn the single propeller for up to four hours.

On a personal note, I apologise for not responding and commenting on journals, this is just a temporary state of affairs which will end by the middle of next week :)

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