
By Mo


If you've never been to Skye - go. It's beautiful even in the rain and gales that we had today. Skye weather at its best, complete with power cuts this morning. As we shivered in our coats, it made me think how hard it must have been for my granny's generation when they moved to Skye from Harris. They lived at first in corrugated iron houses and later built croft houses. There was, of course, no electricity or gas but there was also no water, even in the 1930s. They were made of sterner stuff than we are.

The funeral passed off well, despite the weather. I'm not a church-goer but there was a line in one of the hymns that seemed to me to sum things up: "I trace the rainbow through the rain". That's what today was all about: celebrating Una's life as well as mourning her loss.

Drove home afterwards, great to be back but looking forward to taking the family back to Skye for happy reasons.

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