By wellsforzoe

Not a new fashion statement

Checked - in at Lusangazi farm after lunch to find great progress, a temperature in the late twenties with a cooling breeze.

Paw Paws on your head will never take off even in Malawi, says Benidicto , in shot

We got to visit the Doroba farm, the upper farm and the factory on our travels, where everyone is in great form.

Mary spent the afternoon with Anna Sichinga, the District Education Manager for the area. It looks like there is general amazement in Education circles at the success of our four year plan and a huge desire to implement and extend the process. There is also a big investigation into where these multi talented teachers came from
Mary came home very excited about the future anyway, planning to get her school visitation underway, in tandem with the school inspectorate.

A great first day back.

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