On The Road Again...
We arrived safe and sound at Tom Price, too dark to take a photo of this tranquil camp site we are staying on, nestled at the bottom of the Hamersley Ranges, the stars are magnificent, so low in the sky it feels like we could touch them, the Southern Cross is so clear, also the Rocking Chair, the night is as spectacular as the day had been.
It was an 8 hour journey from Exmouth, we stopped for lunch underneath some very welcoming shady trees, then set off again, we lost count of the many Eagles flying overhead, always alone, but so many if them, sheep wandering around with not a care in the world or a care where they would stop for their next munch of the grass, the roads were wide open and mostly flat until we hit the Ranges then wham! mountain after mountain came into view, ' Mount Nameless' is just right by us, we are parked at the bottom of it, I'm sure we will be exploring that one at some point, tomorrow we are looking forward to going into Karajini National Park, Glyn has been once before when he worked for conservation and land management, he was on a Broome Expedition at the time.
So now its time for sleep for these intrepid travellers.
i will catch up with everyone very soon, all take care, you are all in my thoughts.
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