Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

MonoMonday: Light

I was going to blip my beautiful red rose but I decided to play with the image to make it fit the theme today.  So, with a little help from PicMonkey, I converted it to mono and added a burst of light.  The original is in the extras.  Many thanks to 60plus for hosting the challenge this month!  :-)

I finished all the laundry today...I lost count of the loads.  I went through all the mail, paid the bills, made a few phone calls, refilled our medicines.  We brought all the cups, pots, silverware, etc. in from the trailer and washed them in the dishwasher and put them back.  Pipersdad took her to the river again and let her stay in for a while where the water was running fast and she seemed to smell a lot better when they got home.  So she got a reprieve on the bath.  So I'm pretty much caught up...except for Blip.  Too tired now but I plan to catch up with all your journals first thing tomorrow!  

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